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Ministry in the heart of the city
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To download this week's worship bulletin, click below:
Parking at St. Johns is not a problem. The church has two dedicated parking lots one right next to the church accessible from 6th Street and the Lehigh County parking lot right across Walnut Street on the South side of the church. There is also the new six story Allentown Parking Deck directly across from the church available for a small fee.
Bike Works Picnic 2022
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School was so much fun, see more photos on our Facebook page.
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Check It Out
The Youth in Judy Garrigan’s Sunday School have redesigned the Bulletin Board in the Great Hall. “The Many Names for God” is the centerpiece and the Board includes 5 Praying Hands, Interpretations of Ecclesiastes 3 “For Everything There is a Time,” and 5 “Take Away” Sheets for folks to “take what you need,” i.e. Love, Hope, Peace, Patience, Beauty, Courage, Strength, etc. CHECK IT OUT!
To Church
Some Spirit has sent us to this place
With hope on our faces
We come
Palms open, hearts open, we come
Seeking our selves.
What dreams drive us toward the God Who surely dwells here?
What faith touches our shoulders and gives us pause?
Perhaps the spell of light through brilliant windows,
The determined look on an acolyte’s face, the bloom of a candle flame
The sounds of children running, shrieking, laughing,
Singing, chiming
Telling stories all their own.
We come for food, yes, breathing the smells of onions frying,
Baking apples, peaches, pumpkin pie
Who is ready? I! I!
The trust of hand passing to hand the bread of life
The cup’s purple sweetness
Palms open, hearts open
We can pull patience from the marrow of our bones
We mourn the passing of another friend
And sometimes, hand to forehead, we are humbled by forgiveness
Or we just laugh together at the joy of this fellowship
The voice of God is calling out
We are asked: Can you? Will you?
We didn’t know we could! But, yes! We say. Yes!
I am here!
I can answer, ask, shop, bake, calculate, baptize, visit, give, collect, confirm, announce, come, go, drive, sing, record, sweep, scrub, climb, hammer, shovel, paint, type, play, preach, suggest, dance, reach, joke, arrange, learn, serve, teach, write, encourage, question, direct, encourage again, pray, and say “Amen.”
Palms open, hearts open
We give, we receive, we believe
Awash in the love of Christ
We find ourselves
Becky Bronfenbrenner 25 January 2019